The module provides basic knowledge of mathematical logic and its applications in computer science. Students learn the mathematical foundations of logical thinking and reasoning and develop formalizations of tasks, problems and structures in computer science in the language of logic (primarily predicate logic). Propositional logic: syntax and semantics; Horn formulas; resolution; calculus of natural inference; syntax and semantics of 1st level predicate logic; formalization, axiomatization and theories; Gödel's completeness theorem; finiteness theorem; Löwenheim-Skolem theorems; modal logic; 2nd level logic.

Instructors: Arne Meier, Laura Strieker
Start Date: 2024-04-15
End Date: 2024-07-08
Mode: on campus
Credits: 5 ECTS
Learning Outcomes:
  • basic knowledge of mathematical logic and its applications in computer science
    Workload: 2 Hours per week in term
    Prerequisites: Knowledge of Undergraduate classes, basic Knowledge in Linear Algebra and programming in Python.
    Languages: deu